path: root/xhfc/xhfc.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-10-17add some audio for XHFCGuillaume Knispel
2010-10-11don't configure half of the PCM in enable_interruptsGuillaume Knispel
2010-10-06fix/add/tune commentsGuillaume Knispel
2010-10-05remove trailing whitespacesGuillaume Knispel
2010-08-25renamed header define protection for xhfc.hGuillaume Knispel
2010-08-25other cosmetic changesNoe Rubinstein
2010-08-25Mainly cosmetic.Noe Rubinstein
2010-08-24xhfc_span->runningNoe Rubinstein
2010-08-23clean up, traces, fix hdlc_rx_frame, b chans...Noe Rubinstein
2010-08-13change everything, add TODONoe Rubinstein
2010-08-04some progress made on the XHFC driver moduleNoé Rubinstein
2010-07-29copy pasted a bunch of code (doesn't work)Noé Rubinstein
2010-07-28GPIO kernel interface driverNoé Rubinstein