path: root/xhfc/xhfc_st_state.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-01-18update copyright infosGuillaume Knispel
2011-01-21cosmeticNoe Rubinstein
2011-01-06polrev MWI, othersNoe Rubinstein
2010-12-17Copyright and licenceNoe Rubinstein
2010-12-09deactivate requests are okay in TE.Noe Rubinstein
It seems there is no one-to-one correlation between the PH-ACTIVATE, MPH-ACTIVATE, PH-DEACTIVATE and MPH-DEACTIVATE directives on layer 1 and V_SU_ACT writes in A_SU_WR_STA.
2010-12-09clean up tracesNoe Rubinstein
2010-12-03fix activate_requestNoe Rubinstein
2010-12-03remove out-of-date commentNoe Rubinstein
2010-12-02if it works, do break itNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-25State machine changesNoe Rubinstein
Forgot to commit last friday
2010-11-19update notesNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-18Is the state machine guaranteed to work?Noe Rubinstein
2010-11-12compiles; panics.Noe Rubinstein
2010-11-12debug traces, cleanup/fixNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-05moreNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-05state handling code nearly completeNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-04expiry_T1, expiry_T3, set_st_stateNoe Rubinstein
2010-11-04start rewriting software part of ST state machineNoe Rubinstein