BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterPrepare the procfs translator to be merged into the Hurd sourcesJustus Winter11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2014-06-15Prepare the procfs translator to be merged into the Hurd sourcesHEADmasterJustus Winter
2014-05-28Do not include the terminating zero in /proc/slabinfoJustus Winter
2014-05-24Implement /proc/slabinfoJustus Winter
2013-10-05Fix mtab translator leakRichard Braun
2013-09-15Serve mounts node with a passive translator recordJustus Winter
2013-09-15Make start_code and end_code available in /proc/*/statJustus Winter
2013-08-28procfs: provide a more meaningful response to fsys_get_optionsJustus Winter
2013-08-28procfs: define macros for the default argument valuesJustus Winter
2013-08-28procfs: handle the --update parameterJustus Winter
2013-08-27Fix argument parsingJustus Winter