diff options
authorFlavio Cruz <>2008-09-05 14:03:53 +0000
committerFlavio Cruz <>2008-09-05 14:03:53 +0000
commita7134c432069c24268988a2aa81c5e5f1d07d3e1 (patch)
parentd5e46abc76282171f01a51bde68506a62098c02c (diff)
Add hurd-output-stream class and implementation.
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/streams/output.lisp b/streams/output.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b206e3304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/streams/output.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(in-package :hurd-streams)
+(defclass hurd-output-stream (hurd-stream fundamental-binary-output-stream)
+ ((cache :initform (%create-adjustable-array 0)
+ :accessor cache)))
+(defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream hurd-output-stream) byte)
+ (vector-push-extend byte (cache stream)))
+(defmethod stream-write-char ((stream hurd-output-stream) char)
+ (stream-write-byte stream (char-code char)))
+(defun %hurd-stream-write-warn (stream err)
+ (warn "Error writing to hurd-output-stream ~s: ~s"
+ stream err))
+(defmethod %hurd-stream-inner-write ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ (with-accessors ((cache cache) (port port) (offset offset))
+ stream
+ (let ((total (fill-pointer cache)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (total-written err)
+ (io-write port cache :offset offset)
+ (when err
+ (%hurd-stream-write-warn stream err)
+ (return-from %hurd-stream-inner-write nil))
+ (incf offset total-written)
+ (unless (= total-written total)
+ (replace cache cache
+ :start2 total-written)
+ (setf (fill-pointer cache) total-written)
+ (%hurd-stream-inner-write stream))))))
+(defun %hurd-stream-has-data-p (stream)
+ (plusp (fill-pointer (cache stream))))
+(defmethod %hurd-stream-write ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ (with-accessors ((cache cache)) stream
+ (cond
+ ((%hurd-stream-has-data-p stream)
+ (when (%hurd-stream-inner-write stream)
+ (setf (fill-pointer cache) 0)
+ t))
+ (t t))))
+(defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ (%hurd-stream-write stream))
+(defmethod stream-force-output ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ (%hurd-stream-write stream))
+(defmethod %hurd-stream-write-seq ((stream hurd-output-stream) seq)
+ (with-accessors ((port port) (offset offset))
+ stream
+ (let ((total (length seq)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (total-written err)
+ (io-write port seq :offset offset)
+ (when err
+ (%hurd-stream-write-warn stream err)
+ (return-from %hurd-stream-write-seq nil))
+ (incf offset total-written)
+ (unless (= total-written total)
+ (%hurd-stream-write-seq
+ stream
+ (subseq seq total-written))))))
+ t)
+(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream hurd-output-stream)
+ sequence start end &key)
+ (when (%hurd-stream-write stream)
+ (%hurd-stream-write-seq stream
+ (subseq sequence start end))))
+(defmethod stream-start-line-p ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ nil)
+(defmethod stream-line-column ((stream hurd-output-stream))
+ nil)
+(defmethod make-hurd-output-stream ((file string) &optional (flags '(:write)))
+ (make-hurd-output-stream
+ (file-name-lookup file :flags flags)))
+(defmethod make-hurd-output-stream ((port number) &optional flags)
+ (declare (ignore flags))
+ (make-instance 'hurd-output-stream :port port))
+(defmacro with-hurd-output-stream ((stream-name file &optional (flags ''(:write))) &body body)
+ `(with-stream (,stream-name (make-hurd-output-stream ,file ,flags))
+ ,@body))