path: root/sysdeps/unix/sysv/aix/bits/ioctls.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/aix/bits/ioctls.h b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/aix/bits/ioctls.h
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index 8023c144df..0000000000
--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/aix/bits/ioctls.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307 USA. */
-#ifndef _SYS_IOCTL_H
-# error "Never use <bits/ioctls.h> directly; include <sys/ioctl.h> instead."
-#define IOCPARM_MASK 0x7f /* parameters must be < 128 bytes */
-#define IOC_VOID 0x20000000 /* no parameters */
-#define IOC_OUT 0x40000000 /* copy out parameters */
-#define IOC_IN (0x40000000<<1) /* copy in parameters */
-#define _IO(x,y) (IOC_VOID|(x<<8)|y)
-#define _IOR(x,y,t) (IOC_OUT|((sizeof(t)&IOCPARM_MASK)<<16)|(x<<8)|y)
-#define _IOW(x,y,t) (IOC_IN|((sizeof(t)&IOCPARM_MASK)<<16)|(x<<8)|y)
-#define _IOWR(x,y,t) (IOC_INOUT|((sizeof(t)&IOCPARM_MASK)<<16)|(x<<8)|y)
-#define TIOCGETD _IOR('t', 0, int) /* get line discipline */
-#define TIOCSETD _IOW('t', 1, int) /* set line discipline */
-#define TIOCHPCL _IO('t', 2) /* hang up on last close */
-#define TIOCMODG _IOR('t', 3, int) /* get modem control state */
-#define TIOCMODS _IOW('t', 4, int) /* set modem control state */
-#define TIOCGETP _IOR('t', 8,struct sgttyb)/* get parameters -- gtty */
-#define TIOCSETP _IOW('t', 9,struct sgttyb)/* set parameters -- stty */
-#define TIOCSETN _IOW('t',10,struct sgttyb)/* as above, but no flushtty */
-#define TIOCEXCL _IO('t', 13) /* set exclusive use of tty */
-#define TIOCNXCL _IO('t', 14) /* reset exclusive use of tty */
-#define TIOCFLUSH _IOW('t', 16, int) /* flush buffers */
-#define TIOCSETC _IOW('t',17,struct tchars)/* set special characters */
-#define TIOCGETC _IOR('t',18,struct tchars)/* get special characters */
-#define TANDEM 0x00000001 /* send stopc on out q full */
-#define CBREAK 0x00000002 /* half-cooked mode */
-#define LCASE 0x00000004 /* simulate lower case */
-#define CRMOD 0x00000010 /* map \r to \r\n on output */
-#define RAW 0x00000020 /* no i/o processing */
-#define ODDP 0x00000040 /* get/send odd parity */
-#define EVENP 0x00000080 /* get/send even parity */
-#define ANYP 0x000000c0 /* get any parity/send none */
-#define CRDELAY 0x00000300 /* \r delay */
-#define TBDELAY 0x00000c00 /* horizontal tab delay */
-#define XTABS 0x00000c00 /* expand tabs on output */
-#define BSDELAY 0x00001000 /* \b delay */
-#define VTDELAY 0x00002000 /* vertical tab delay */
-#define NLDELAY 0x0000c000 /* \n delay */
-#define NL2 0x00008000 /* vt05 */
-#define NL3 0x0000c000
-#define PRTERA 0x00020000 /* \ ... / erase */
-#define CRTERA 0x00040000 /* " \b " to wipe out char */
-#define TILDE 0x00080000 /* hazeltine tilde kludge */
-#define LITOUT 0x00200000 /* literal output */
-#define CRTBS 0x00400000 /* do backspacing for crt */
-#define MDMBUF 0x00800000 /* dtr pacing */
-#define NOHANG 0x01000000 /* no SIGHUP on carrier drop */
-#define L001000 0x02000000
-#define CRTKIL 0x04000000 /* kill line with " \b " */
-#define PASS8 0x08000000
-#define CTLECH 0x10000000 /* echo control chars as ^X */
-#define DECCTQ 0x40000000 /* only ^Q starts after ^S */
-#define NOFLUSH 0x80000000 /* no output flush on signal */
-/* SYS V REL. 4 PTY IOCTLs */
-#define UNLKPT _IO('t',70) /* unlock slave pty */
-#define ISPTM _IO('t',71) /* ret. maj+min of pty master */
-#define ISPTS _IO('t',73) /* return maj+min of slave */
-#define GRTPT _IO('t',74) /* grantpt slave pty*/
-#define RLOGIND _IO('t',75) /* for rlogind protocol in ptydd */
-#define TELNETDP _IO('t',76) /* for telnetd protocol in ptydd */
-#define TIOCCONS _IOW('t', 98, int) /* become virtual console */
-#define TIOCGSID _IOR('t', 72, int) /* get the tty session id */
- /* locals, from 127 down */
-#define TIOCLBIS _IOW('t', 127, int) /* bis local mode bits */
-#define TIOCLBIC _IOW('t', 126, int) /* bic local mode bits */
-#define TIOCLSET _IOW('t', 125, int) /* set entire mode word */
-#define TIOCLGET _IOR('t', 124, int) /* get local modes */
-#define LCRTBS (CRTBS>>16)
-#define LPRTERA (PRTERA>>16)
-#define LCRTERA (CRTERA>>16)
-#define LTILDE (TILDE>>16)
-#define LMDMBUF (MDMBUF>>16)
-#define LLITOUT (LITOUT>>16)
-#define LTOSTOP (TOSTOP>>16)
-#define LFLUSHO (FLUSHO>>16)
-#define LNOHANG (NOHANG>>16)
-#define LCRTKIL (CRTKIL>>16)
-#define LPASS8 (PASS8>>16)
-#define LCTLECH (CTLECH>>16)
-#define LPENDIN (PENDIN>>16)
-#define LDECCTQ (DECCTQ>>16)
-#define LNOFLSH (NOFLUSH>>16)
-#define TIOCSBRK _IO('t', 123) /* set break bit */
-#define TIOCCBRK _IO('t', 122) /* clear break bit */
-#define TIOCSDTR _IO('t', 121) /* set data terminal ready */
-#define TIOCCDTR _IO('t', 120) /* clear data terminal ready */
-#define TIOCGPGRP _IOR('t', 119, int) /* get process group */
-#define TIOCSPGRP _IOW('t', 118, int) /* set process gorup */
-#define TIOCSLTC _IOW('t',117,struct ltchars)/* set local special chars */
-#define TIOCGLTC _IOR('t',116,struct ltchars)/* get local special chars */
-#define TIOCOUTQ _IOR('t', 115, int) /* output queue size */
-#define TIOCSTI _IOW('t', 114, char) /* simulate terminal input */
-#define TIOCNOTTY _IO('t', 113) /* void tty association */
-#define TIOCPKT _IOW('t', 112, int) /* pty: set/clear packet mode */
-#define TIOCPKT_DATA 0x00 /* data packet */
-#define TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD 0x01 /* flush packet */
-#define TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE 0x02 /* flush packet */
-#define TIOCPKT_STOP 0x04 /* stop output */
-#define TIOCPKT_START 0x08 /* start output */
-#define TIOCPKT_NOSTOP 0x10 /* no more ^S, ^Q */
-#define TIOCPKT_DOSTOP 0x20 /* now do ^S ^Q */
-#define TIOCSTOP _IO('t', 111) /* stop output, like ^S */
-#define TIOCSTART _IO('t', 110) /* start output, like ^Q */
-#define TIOCMSET _IOW('t', 109, int) /* set all modem bits */
-#define TIOCMBIS _IOW('t', 108, int) /* bis modem bits */
-#define TIOCMBIC _IOW('t', 107, int) /* bic modem bits */
-#define TIOCMGET _IOR('t', 106, int) /* get all modem bits */
-#define TIOCREMOTE _IOW('t', 105, int) /* remote input editing */
-#define TIOCGWINSZ _IOR('t', 104, struct winsize) /* get window size */
-#define TIOCSWINSZ _IOW('t', 103, struct winsize) /* set window size */
-#define TIOCUCNTL _IOW('t', 102, int) /* pty: set/clr usr cntl mode */
-/* SLIP (Serial Line IP) ioctl's */
-#define SLIOCGUNIT _IOR('t', 101, int) /* get slip unit number */
-#define SLIOCSFLAGS _IOW('t', 89, int) /* set configuration flags */
-#define SLIOCGFLAGS _IOR('t', 90, int) /* get configuration flags */
-#define SLIOCSATTACH _IOWR('t', 91, int) /* Attach slip i.f. to tty */
-#define UIOCCMD(n) _IO('u', n) /* usr cntl op "n" */
-#define OTTYDISC 0 /* old, v7 std tty driver */
-#define NETLDISC 1 /* line discip for berk net */
-#define NTTYDISC 2 /* new tty discipline */
-#define TABLDISC 3 /* tablet discipline */
-#define SLIPDISC 4 /* serial IP discipline */
-#define FIOCLEX _IO('f', 1) /* set close on exec */
-#define FIONCLEX _IO('f', 2) /* clear close on exec */
-/* another local */
-#define FIONREAD _IOR('f', 127, int) /* get # bytes to read */
-#define FIONBIO _IOW('f', 126, int) /* set/clear non-blocking i/o */
-#define FIOASYNC _IOW('f', 125, int) /* set/clear async i/o */
-#define FIOSETOWN _IOW('f', 124, int) /* set owner */
-#define FIOGETOWN _IOR('f', 123, int) /* get owner */
-#define FIOASYNCQX _IOW('f', 122, int) /* set/clear async queueing */
-/* socket i/o controls */
-#define SIOCSHIWAT _IOW('s', 0, int) /* set high watermark */
-#define SIOCGHIWAT _IOR('s', 1, int) /* get high watermark */
-#define SIOCSLOWAT _IOW('s', 2, int) /* set low watermark */
-#define SIOCGLOWAT _IOR('s', 3, int) /* get low watermark */
-#define SIOCATMARK _IOR('s', 7, int) /* at oob mark? */
-#define SIOCSPGRP _IOW('s', 8, int) /* set process group */
-#define SIOCGPGRP _IOR('s', 9, int) /* get process group */
-#define SIOCADDRT (int)_IOW('r', 10, struct ortentry) /* add route */
-#define SIOCDELRT (int)_IOW('r', 11, struct ortentry) /* delete route */
-#define SIOCSIFADDR (int)_IOW('i', 12, struct oifreq) /* set ifnet address */
-#define OSIOCGIFADDR (int)_IOWR('i',13, struct oifreq) /* get ifnet address */
-#define SIOCGIFADDR (int)_IOWR('i',33, struct oifreq) /* get ifnet address */
-#define SIOCSIFDSTADDR (int)_IOW('i', 14, struct oifreq) /* set p-p address */
-#define OSIOCGIFDSTADDR (int)_IOWR('i',15, struct oifreq) /* get p-p address */
-#define SIOCGIFDSTADDR (int)_IOWR('i',34, struct oifreq) /* get p-p address */
-#define SIOCSIFFLAGS (int)_IOW('i', 16, struct oifreq) /* set ifnet flags */
-#define SIOCGIFFLAGS (int)_IOWR('i',17, struct oifreq) /* get ifnet flags */
-#define OSIOCGIFBRDADDR (int)_IOWR('i',18, struct oifreq) /* get broadcast addr */
-#define SIOCGIFBRDADDR (int)_IOWR('i',35, struct oifreq) /* get broadcast addr */
-#define SIOCSIFBRDADDR (int)_IOW('i',19, struct oifreq) /* set broadcast addr */
-#define OSIOCGIFCONF (int)_IOWR('i',20, struct ifconf) /* get ifnet list */
-#define CSIOCGIFCONF (int)_IOWR('i',36, struct ifconf) /* get ifnet list */
-#define SIOCGIFCONF (int)_IOWR('i',69, struct ifconf) /* get ifnet list */
-#define OSIOCGIFNETMASK (int)_IOWR('i',21, struct oifreq) /* get net addr mask */
-#define SIOCGIFNETMASK (int)_IOWR('i',37, struct oifreq) /* get net addr mask */
-#define SIOCSIFNETMASK (int)_IOW('i',22, struct oifreq) /* set net addr mask */
-#define SIOCGIFMETRIC (int)_IOWR('i',23, struct oifreq) /* get IF metric */
-#define SIOCSIFMETRIC (int)_IOW('i',24, struct oifreq) /* set IF metric */
-#define SIOCDIFADDR (int)_IOW('i',25, struct oifreq) /* delete IF addr */
-#define SIOCAIFADDR (int)_IOW('i',26, struct ifaliasreq) /* add/chg IF alias */
-#define SIOCSIFSUBCHAN (int)_IOW('i',27, struct oifreq) /* set subchannel adr.*/
-#define SIOCSIFNETDUMP (int)_IOW('i',28, struct oifreq) /* set netdump fastwrt*/
-#define SIOCSARP (int)_IOW('i', 30, struct arpreq) /* set arp entry */
-#define OSIOCGARP (int)_IOWR('i',31, struct arpreq) /* get arp entry */
-#define SIOCGARP (int)_IOWR('i',38, struct arpreq) /* get arp entry */
-#define SIOCDARP (int)_IOW('i', 32, struct arpreq) /* delete arp entry */
-#define SIOCSIFOPTIONS (int)_IOW('i', 41, struct oifreq) /* set ifnet options */
-#define SIOCGIFOPTIONS (int)_IOWR('i',42, struct oifreq) /* get ifnet options */
-#define SIOCADDMULTI (int)_IOW('i', 49, struct ifreq) /* add multicast addr */
-#define SIOCDELMULTI (int)_IOW('i', 50, struct ifreq) /* del multicast addr */
-#define SIOCGETVIFCNT (int)_IOWR('u', 51, struct sioc_vif_req)/* vif pkt cnt */
-#define SIOCGETSGCNT (int)_IOWR('u', 52, struct sioc_sg_req) /* s,g pkt cnt */
-#define SIOCADDNETID (int)_IOW('i',87, struct oifreq) /* set netids */
-#define SIOCSIFMTU (int)_IOW('i',88, struct oifreq) /* set mtu */
-#define SIOCGIFMTU (int)_IOWR('i',86, struct oifreq) /* get mtu */
-#define SIOCSNETOPT (int)_IOW('i', 90, struct optreq) /* set network option */
-#define SIOCGNETOPT (int)_IOWR('i', 91, struct optreq) /* get network option */
-#define SIOCDNETOPT (int)_IOWR('i', 92, struct optreq) /* set default */
-#define SIOCSX25XLATE (int)_IOW('i', 99, struct oifreq) /* set xlate tab */
-#define SIOCGX25XLATE (int)_IOWR('i',100, struct oifreq) /* get xlate tab */
-#define SIOCDX25XLATE (int)_IOW('i', 101, struct oifreq) /* delete xlate tab */
-#define SIOCIFDETACH (int)_IOW('i', 102, struct ifreq) /* detach an ifnet */
-#define SIOCIFATTACH (int)_IOW('i', 103, struct ifreq) /* attach an ifnet */
-#define SIOCGNMTUS (int)_IO('i',110) /* get NMTUs */
-#define SIOCGETMTUS (int)_IO('i',111) /* get common_mtus */
-#define SIOCADDMTU (int)_IOW('i',112, int) /* add mtu */
-#define SIOCDELMTU (int)_IOW('i',113, int) /* delete mtu */
-#define SIOCGIFGIDLIST (int)_IO('i', 104) /* get gidlist */
-#define SIOCSIFGIDLIST (int)_IO('i', 105) /* set gidlist */
-#define SIOCGSIZIFCONF (int)_IOR('i', 106, int) /* get size for SIOCGIFCONF */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_UBR (int)_IOW('i',120,struct ifreq) /* set ubr rate */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_SNMPARP (int)_IOW('i',121,struct ifreq) /* atm snmp arp */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_IDLE (int)_IOW('i',122,struct ifreq) /* set idle time */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_DUMPARP (int)_IOW('i',123,struct ifreq) /* atm dump arp */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_SVC (int)_IOW('i',124,struct ifreq) /* atmif init */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_DARP (int)_IOW('i',125,struct ifreq) /* del atmarp */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_GARP (int)_IOW('i',126,struct ifreq) /* get atmarp */
-#define SIOCIF_ATM_SARP (int)_IOW('i',127,struct ifreq) /* set atmarp */
-#define SIOCGISNO (int)_IOWR('i',107, struct oifreq) /* get IF network options */
-#define SIOCSISNO (int)_IOW('i', 108, struct oifreq) /* set IF network options */
-#define SIOCGIFBAUDRATE (int)_IOWR('i', 109, struct oifreq) /* get ifnet's if_baudrate */