The Frenetic Mass Cloning Guide -------------------------- [based on clonezilla-live-1.2.12-60-i686-pae] * First create the image of the original hard drive * Save it to $THERE with the name $NAME * Connect all the blank hard drives * Edit ./syslinux.cfg with $NAME instead of `xivo-factory-XXXXXX-img' * Replace $LIVE_KEY/syslinux/syslinux.cfg with ./syslinux.cfg * Copy ./cloning_disks to $LIVE_KEY/utils/ * Check that $THERE is at the right location.. I suggest the root directory of your USB dongle. Read the full documentation at repo:wiki/factory/Batch\ Disks\ (or Fist you need the correct xivo install. Cloning the disk is explained at Once installed, on the disk you need to: # apt-get install git stress htop sox lsof screen festvox-kallpc16k festival # rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules in order to rename the network interfaces. # cp -r master_hdd/* / # update-rc.d xioh defaults 1 # depmod