#!/bin/sh # Amount of physical memory RAM=1024 # Number of processors. Keep this below the number of physical processors # because the kernel doesn't replace spinning with sleeping from within # a virtual machine, which causes performance to collapse. NR_CPUS=4 # QEMU system emulator QEMU_EXE=qemu-system-i386 QEMU_EXE=qemu-system-x86_64 # KVM options KVM= KVM="-enable-kvm -cpu host" # Don't change from here unless you know what you're doing X15=$PWD/x15 TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) objcopy -O elf32-i386 $X15 $TMPDIR/x15 cd $TMPDIR $QEMU_EXE $KVM \ -ctrl-grab \ -gdb tcp::1234 \ -m $RAM \ -smp $NR_CPUS \ -monitor stdio \ -kernel x15 \ -append "console=atcons" rm -rf $TMPDIR