-*- mode: outline -*- * General Information libfuse is a library intended for the GNU Hurd trying to imitate the API of the fuse library, available from http://fuse.sourceforge.net, for Linux. It's based on Hurd's libnetfs and tries to bring all the fuse based virtual filesystems over to the Hurd. ** Fuse Low-Level API The low-level API will not be supported by libfuse/Hurd for the time being. This is simply because it is to specific to the Linux kernel and (besides that) it is not farly used now. In case the latter should change in the future, we might want to re-think about that issue though. This is, you will not succeed in compiling the hello_ll.c example from the example-24 directory. * Dependencies Actually none, besides libnetfs. However you should have installed that anyways (maybe missing just the header files). * Installation ./configure make make install For more details see the INSTALL file in this directory. * How To Use Translators linked against libfuse/Hurd don't work exactly like on the Linux operating system. To be more precise: you need to install them using settrans. Some filesystems check for the availibility of a command line argument, which they want to pass to libfuse, and simply fail, if you don't supply it. This is because on Linux you call the translator as a program as such and specify the mount-point as the first argument. If the fuse-based translator insists on that argument, just provide any useless information (maybe the correct path). This one will not be treated (at least by libfuse). The filesystem will be put on the node you provide to the settrans command. Anything else is not of any interest. Filesystems that try to export more than one filesystem (I don't know of any example, sorry, but these are generally supported by Linux's FUSE) will fail on the Hurd. This is because of the settrans thing. * Bug Reports You can contact us at . $Id: README,v 1.4 2006/01/30 22:33:57 stesie Exp $