/* Print information about a task's ports Copyright (C) 1996,98,99,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Miles Bader This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "portinfo.h" /* Prints info about NAME in TASK to STREAM, in a way described by the flags in SHOW. If TYPE is non-zero, it should be what mach_port_type returns for NAME. */ error_t print_port_info (mach_port_t name, mach_port_type_t type, task_t task, unsigned show, FILE *stream) { int hex_names = (show & PORTINFO_HEX_NAMES); int first = 1, subfirst = 1; void comma () { if (first) first = 0; else fprintf (stream, ", "); } void subcomma () { if (subfirst) subfirst = 0; else fprintf (stream, ","); } void prefs (mach_port_right_t right) { mach_port_urefs_t refs; error_t err = mach_port_get_refs (task, name, right, &refs); if (! err) fprintf (stream, " (refs: %zu)", refs); } if (type == 0) { error_t err = mach_port_type (task, name, &type); if (err) return err; } fprintf (stream, hex_names ? "%#6x: " : "%6u: ", name); if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { comma (); fprintf (stream, "receive"); } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { comma (); fprintf (stream, "send"); } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) { comma (); fprintf (stream, "send-once"); } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) { comma (); fprintf (stream, "dead-name"); } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) { comma (); fprintf (stream, "port-set"); } if (show & PORTINFO_DETAILS) { error_t err; mach_port_t port; mach_msg_type_name_t acquired_type; /* Get the port itself. */ err = mach_port_extract_right (task, name, (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE ? MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND : MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND), &port, &acquired_type); if (!err) { process_t proc = getproc (); mach_port_t msgport; pid_t pid; if (port == MACH_PORT_DEAD) err = EIEIO; else err = proc_task2pid (proc, task, &pid); if (!err) err = proc_getmsgport (proc, pid, &msgport); if (!err) { /* Check if it is installed as an FD. */ mach_port_t *dtable = NULL; mach_msg_type_number_t ndtable = 0; unsigned i; msg_get_dtable (msgport, task, &dtable, &ndtable); for (i = 0; i < ndtable; i++) { if (dtable[i] == port) fprintf (stream, " fd(%d)", i); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), dtable[i]); } vm_deallocate (mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t) dtable, ndtable * sizeof (*dtable)); /* First check for init ports. */ void check_init_port (int num, const char *name) { mach_port_t init_port; err = msg_get_init_port (msgport, task, num, &init_port); if (!err) { if (port == init_port) fprintf (stream, " %s", name); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), init_port); } } check_init_port (INIT_PORT_CWDIR, "CWDIR"); check_init_port (INIT_PORT_CRDIR, "CRDIR"); check_init_port (INIT_PORT_AUTH, "AUTH"); check_init_port (INIT_PORT_PROC, "PROC"); check_init_port (INIT_PORT_CTTYID, "CTTYID"); check_init_port (INIT_PORT_BOOTSTRAP, "BOOTSTRAP"); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), msgport); } /* Then try to use the ports to see what they are. */ if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { if (port == msgport) fprintf (stream, " msg"); } else if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { /* auth_t */ { uid_t *euids = 0, *auids = 0, *egids = 0, *agids = 0; mach_msg_type_number_t neuids = 0, nauids = 0, negids = 0, nagids = 0, i; err = auth_getids (port, &euids, &neuids, &auids, &nauids, &egids, &negids, &agids, &nagids); if (!err) { fprintf (stream, " auth(["); subfirst = 1; for (i = 0; i < neuids; i++) { subcomma (); fprintf (stream, "%d", euids[i]); } fprintf (stream, "],["); subfirst = 1; for (i = 0; i < nauids; i++) { subcomma (); fprintf (stream, "%d", auids[i]); } fprintf (stream, "],["); subfirst = 1; for (i = 0; i < negids; i++) { subcomma (); fprintf (stream, "%d", egids[i]); } fprintf (stream, "],["); subfirst = 1; for (i = 0; i < nagids; i++) { subcomma (); fprintf (stream, "%d", agids[i]); } fprintf (stream, "])"); munmap (euids, neuids * sizeof (*euids)); munmap (auids, nauids * sizeof (*auids)); munmap (egids, negids * sizeof (*egids)); munmap (agids, nagids * sizeof (*agids)); } } /* file_t */ { int allowed; err = file_check_access (port, &allowed); if (!err) { int printbar = 0; void bar (void) { if (printbar) fprintf (stream, "|"); else printbar = 1; } fprintf (stream, " file("); if (allowed & O_READ) { bar (); fprintf (stream, "READ"); } if (allowed & O_WRITE) { bar (); fprintf (stream, "WRITE"); } if (allowed & O_EXEC) { bar (); fprintf (stream, "EXEC"); } fprintf (stream, ")"); } } /* fsys_t */ { string_t source; err = fsys_get_source (port, source); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " fsys(%s)", source); } /* io_t */ { struct stat st; err = io_stat (port, &st); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " io(%llu,%llu)", (unsigned long long) st.st_ino, (unsigned long long) st.st_dev); } /* msg */ { mach_port_t proc; err = msg_get_init_port (port, task, INIT_PORT_PROC, &proc); if (!err) { pid_t pid, ppid; int orphaned; fprintf (stream, " msg"); err = proc_getpids (port, &pid, &ppid, &orphaned); if (!err) fprintf (stream, "(%d)", pid); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), proc); } } /* pci_t */ { vm_size_t ndevs; err = pci_get_ndevs (port, &ndevs); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " pci(%d)", ndevs); } /* process_t */ { pid_t pid, ppid; int orphaned; err = proc_getpids (port, &pid, &ppid, &orphaned); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " proc(%d)", pid); } /* socket_t */ { mach_port_t addr = MACH_PORT_NULL; int type; struct sockaddr_storage sa; char *psa = (char*) &sa; mach_msg_type_number_t salen = sizeof (sa); err = socket_name (port, &addr); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " socket"); else addr = port; err = socket_whatis_address (addr, &type, &psa, &salen); if (!err) { if (addr == port) fprintf (stream, " addr_port"); if (type == AF_UNIX) { struct sockaddr_un *sa_un = (struct sockaddr_un *) psa; fprintf (stream, "(UNIX:%s)", sa_un->sun_path); } else if (type == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sa_in = (struct sockaddr_in *) psa; fprintf (stream, "(INET:%s:%d)", inet_ntoa (sa_in->sin_addr), ntohs (sa_in->sin_port)); } else if (type == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sa_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) psa; char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; const char *s; s = inet_ntop (type, &sa_in6->sin6_addr, buf, sizeof (buf)); fprintf (stream, "(INET6:%s:%d)", s, ntohs (sa_in6->sin6_port)); } else fprintf (stream, "(%d)", type); } if (psa != (char*) &sa) vm_deallocate (mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t) psa, salen); if (addr != port) mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), addr); } /* terminal */ { string_t name; err = term_get_nodename (port, name); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " term(%s)", name); } /* default pager */ { struct default_pager_info def_pager_info; err = default_pager_info (port, &def_pager_info); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " default_pager(%llu)", (unsigned long long) def_pager_info.dpi_total_space); } /* host_t */ { struct host_basic_info info; mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; err = host_info (port, HOST_BASIC_INFO, (host_info_t) &info, &count); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " host"); if (port == mach_host_self ()) fprintf (stream, "(self)"); } /* memory_object */ { boolean_t ready, may_cache; memory_object_copy_strategy_t strategy; err = memory_object_get_attributes (port, &ready, &may_cache, &strategy); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " memory_object"); } /* processor_t */ { struct processor_basic_info info; host_t host; mach_msg_type_number_t count = PROCESSOR_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; err = processor_info (port, PROCESSOR_BASIC_INFO, &host, (processor_info_t) &info, &count); if (!err) { fprintf (stream, " processor(%d)", info.slot_num); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), host); } } /* task_t */ { pid_t pid; err = proc_task2pid (proc, port, &pid); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " task(%d)", pid); if (port == task) { if (err) fprintf (stream, " task"); fprintf (stream, "(self)"); } } /* thread_t */ { struct thread_basic_info info; mach_msg_type_number_t count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; err = thread_info (port, THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t) &info, &count); if (!err) fprintf (stream, " thread"); } } mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), proc); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), port); } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { struct mach_port_status status; error_t err = mach_port_get_receive_status (task, name, &status); if (! err) { fprintf (stream, " ("); if (status.mps_pset != MACH_PORT_NULL) fprintf (stream, hex_names ? "port-set: %#x, " : "port-set: %u, ", status.mps_pset); fprintf (stream, "seqno: %zu", status.mps_seqno); if (status.mps_mscount) fprintf (stream, ", ms-count: %zu", status.mps_mscount); if (status.mps_qlimit != MACH_PORT_QLIMIT_DEFAULT) fprintf (stream, ", qlimit: %zu", status.mps_qlimit); if (status.mps_msgcount) fprintf (stream, ", msgs: %zu", status.mps_msgcount); fprintf (stream, "%s%s%s)", status.mps_srights ? ", send-rights" : "", status.mps_pdrequest ? ", pd-req" : "", status.mps_nsrequest ? ", ns-req" : ""); } } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) prefs (MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND); if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) prefs (MACH_PORT_RIGHT_DEAD_NAME); if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) { mach_port_t *members = 0; mach_msg_type_number_t members_len = 0, i; error_t err = mach_port_get_set_status (task, name, &members, &members_len); if (! err) { if (members_len == 0) fprintf (stream, " (empty)"); else { fprintf (stream, hex_names ? " (%#x" : " (%u", members[0]); for (i = 1; i < members_len; i++) fprintf (stream, hex_names ? ", %#x" : ", %u", members[i]); fprintf (stream, ")"); munmap ((caddr_t) members, members_len * sizeof *members); } } } } putc ('\n', stream); return 0; } /* Prints info about every port in TASK that has a type in ONLY to STREAM. */ error_t print_task_ports_info (task_t task, mach_port_type_t only, unsigned show, FILE *stream) { mach_port_t *names = 0; mach_port_type_t *types = 0; mach_msg_type_number_t names_len = 0, types_len = 0, i; error_t err = mach_port_names (task, &names, &names_len, &types, &types_len); if (err) return err; for (i = 0; i < names_len; i++) if (types[i] & only) print_port_info (names[i], types[i], task, show, stream); munmap ((caddr_t) names, names_len * sizeof *names); munmap ((caddr_t) types, types_len * sizeof *types); return 0; }