/* * Written by J.T. Conklin . * Public domain. */ #include RCSID("$NetBSD: s_log1pf.S,v 1.4 1995/05/09 00:13:05 jtc Exp $") .section .rodata .align ALIGNARG(4) /* The fyl2xp1 can only be used for values in -1 + sqrt(2) / 2 <= x <= 1 - sqrt(2) / 2 0.29 is a safe value. */ limit: .float 0.29 one: .float 1.0 .section .rodata.cst4,"aM",@progbits,4 .p2align 2 .type flt_min,@object flt_min: .byte 0, 0, 0x80, 0 ASM_SIZE_DIRECTIVE(flt_min) /* * Use the fyl2xp1 function when the argument is in the range -0.29 to 0.29, * otherwise fyl2x with the needed extra computation. */ .text ENTRY(__log1pf) fldln2 flds 4(%esp) #ifdef PIC LOAD_PIC_REG (dx) #endif fxam fnstsw fld %st sahf jc 3f // in case x is NaN or ħInf 4: fabs #ifdef PIC fcomps limit@GOTOFF(%edx) #else fcomps limit #endif fnstsw sahf jc 2f #ifdef PIC fadds one@GOTOFF(%edx) #else fadds one #endif fyl2x ret 2: fyl2xp1 #ifdef PIC flds flt_min@GOTOFF(%edx) #else flds flt_min #endif fld %st(1) fabs fucompp fnstsw sahf jnc 1f subl $4, %esp cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4) fld %st(0) fmul %st(0) fstps (%esp) addl $4, %esp cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4) 1: ret 3: jp 4b // in case x is ħInf fstp %st(1) fstp %st(1) ret END (__log1pf)