* nss_nisplus: When using parser form nss_files, rewrite parser * compat could use data from nisplus, too. Implement this * nis_server: implement nis_getservlist, nis_stats, nis_servstate * nis_groups: implement it * nis_ping: implement it * __start_clock(), __stop_clock(): Test the interface and implement it * What does nis_list give back, if rpc.nisd is not running or if /var/nis/NIS_START_FILE does not exist ? * nis_table.c: nis_list(): Missing flags: FOLLOW_PATH, ALL_RESULTS callback: Don't simulate it, use server callback thread * Possible flags: - FOLLOW_LINKS (nis_list, nis_lookup) - FOLLOW_PATH (nis_list, not supported) - HARD_LOOKUP (__do_niscall, not supported) - ALL_RESULTS (nis_list, not supported, needs server callback) - NO_CACHE (__do_niscall, cache not supported yet) - MASTER_ONLY (__do_niscall, not supported) - EXPAND_NAME (nis_lookup, nis_list) - RETURN_RESULT (nis_table.c) - ADD_OVERWRITE (nis_table.c) - REM_MULTIPLE (nis_table.c) - MOD_SAMEOBJ (nis_table.c) - ADD_RESERVED (nis_table.c) - REM_RESERVED (nis_table.c) - MOD_EXCLUSIVE (nis_table.c) - USE_DGRAM (__do_niscall) - NO_AUTHINFO (__do_niscall)