@node Mathematics, Arithmetic, Low-Level Terminal Interface, Top @chapter Mathematics This chapter contains information about functions for performing mathematical computations, such as trigonometric functions. Most of these functions have prototypes declared in the header file @file{math.h}. @pindex math.h All of the functions that operate on floating-point numbers accept arguments and return results of type @code{double}. In the future, there may be additional functions that operate on @code{float} and @code{long double} values. For example, @code{cosf} and @code{cosl} would be versions of the @code{cos} function that operate on @code{float} and @code{long double} arguments, respectively. In the meantime, you should avoid using these names yourself. @xref{Reserved Names}. @menu * Domain and Range Errors:: Detecting overflow conditions and the like. * Trig Functions:: Sine, cosine, and tangent. * Inverse Trig Functions:: Arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent. * Exponents and Logarithms:: Also includes square root. * Hyperbolic Functions:: Hyperbolic sine and friends. * Pseudo-Random Numbers:: Functions for generating pseudo-random numbers. @end menu @node Domain and Range Errors @section Domain and Range Errors @cindex domain error Many of the functions listed in this chapter are defined mathematically over a domain that is only a subset of real numbers. For example, the @code{acos} function is defined over the domain between @code{-1} and @code{1}. If you pass an argument to one of these functions that is outside the domain over which it is defined, the function sets @code{errno} to @code{EDOM} to indicate a @dfn{domain error}. On machines that support IEEE floating point, functions reporting error @code{EDOM} also return a NaN. Some of these functions are defined mathematically to result in a complex value over parts of their domains. The most familiar example of this is taking the square root of a negative number. The functions in this chapter take only real arguments and return only real values; therefore, if the value ought to be nonreal, this is treated as a domain error. @cindex range error A related problem is that the mathematical result of a function may not be representable as a floating point number. If magnitude of the correct result is too large to be represented, the function sets @code{errno} to @code{ERANGE} to indicate a @dfn{range error}, and returns a particular very large value (named by the macro @code{HUGE_VAL}) or its negation (@w{@code{- HUGE_VAL}}). If the magnitude of the result is too small, a value of zero is returned instead. In this case, @code{errno} might or might not be set to @code{ERANGE}. The only completely reliable way to check for domain and range errors is to set @code{errno} to @code{0} before you call the mathematical function and test @code{errno} afterward. As a consequence of this use of @code{errno}, use of the mathematical functions is not reentrant if you check for errors. @c !!! this isn't always true at the moment.... None of the mathematical functions ever generates signals as a result of domain or range errors. In particular, this means that you won't see @code{SIGFPE} signals generated within these functions. (@xref{Signal Handling}, for more information about signals.) @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypevr Macro double HUGE_VAL An expression representing a particular very large number. On machines that use IEEE floating point format, the value is ``infinity''. On other machines, it's typically the largest positive number that can be represented. The value of this macro is used as the return value from various mathematical functions in overflow situations. @end deftypevr For more information about floating-point representations and limits, see @ref{Floating Point Parameters}. In particular, the macro @code{DBL_MAX} might be more appropriate than @code{HUGE_VAL} for many uses other than testing for an error in a mathematical function. @node Trig Functions @section Trigonometric Functions @cindex trigonometric functions These are the familiar @code{sin}, @code{cos}, and @code{tan} functions. The arguments to all of these functions are in units of radians; recall that pi radians equals 180 degrees. @cindex pi (trigonometric constant) The math library doesn't define a symbolic constant for pi, but you can define your own if you need one: @smallexample #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 @end smallexample @noindent You can also compute the value of pi with the expression @code{acos (-1.0)}. @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double sin (double @var{x}) This function returns the sine of @var{x}, where @var{x} is given in radians. The return value is in the range @code{-1} to @code{1}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double cos (double @var{x}) This function returns the cosine of @var{x}, where @var{x} is given in radians. The return value is in the range @code{-1} to @code{1}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double tan (double @var{x}) This function returns the tangent of @var{x}, where @var{x} is given in radians. The following @code{errno} error conditions are defined for this function: @table @code @item ERANGE Mathematically, the tangent function has singularities at odd multiples of pi/2. If the argument @var{x} is too close to one of these singularities, @code{tan} sets @code{errno} to @code{ERANGE} and returns either positive or negative @code{HUGE_VAL}. @end table @end deftypefun @node Inverse Trig Functions @section Inverse Trigonometric Functions @cindex inverse trigonmetric functions These are the usual arc sine, arc cosine and arc tangent functions, which are the inverses of the sine, cosine and tangent functions, respectively. @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double asin (double @var{x}) This function computes the arc sine of @var{x}---that is, the value whose sine is @var{x}. The value is in units of radians. Mathematically, there are infinitely many such values; the one actually returned is the one between @code{-pi/2} and @code{pi/2} (inclusive). @code{asin} fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{EDOM}, if @var{x} is out of range. The arc sine function is defined mathematically only over the domain @code{-1} to @code{1}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double acos (double @var{x}) This function computes the arc cosine of @var{x}---that is, the value whose cosine is @var{x}. The value is in units of radians. Mathematically, there are infinitely many such values; the one actually returned is the one between @code{0} and @code{pi} (inclusive). @code{acos} fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{EDOM}, if @var{x} is out of range. The arc cosine function is defined mathematically only over the domain @code{-1} to @code{1}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double atan (double @var{x}) This function computes the arc tangent of @var{x}---that is, the value whose tangent is @var{x}. The value is in units of radians. Mathematically, there are infinitely many such values; the one actually returned is the one between @code{-pi/2} and @code{pi/2} (inclusive). @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double atan2 (double @var{y}, double @var{x}) This is the two argument arc tangent function. It is similar to computing the arc tangent of @var{y}/@var{x}, except that the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result, and @var{x} is permitted to be zero. The return value is given in radians and is in the range @code{-pi} to @code{pi}, inclusive. If @var{x} and @var{y} are coordinates of a point in the plane, @code{atan2} returns the signed angle between the line from the origin to that point and the x-axis. Thus, @code{atan2} is useful for converting Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. (To compute the radial coordinate, use @code{hypot}; see @ref{Exponents and Logarithms}.) The function @code{atan2} sets @code{errno} to @code{EDOM} if both @var{x} and @var{y} are zero; the return value is not defined in this case. @end deftypefun @node Exponents and Logarithms @section Exponentiation and Logarithms @cindex exponentiation functions @cindex power functions @cindex logarithm functions @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double exp (double @var{x}) The @code{exp} function returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to power @var{x}. The function fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{ERANGE}, if the magnitude of the result is too large to be representable. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double log (double @var{x}) This function returns the natural logarithm of @var{x}. @code{exp (log (@var{x}))} equals @var{x}, exactly in mathematics and approximately in C. The following @code{errno} error conditions are defined for this function: @table @code @item EDOM The argument @var{x} is negative. The log function is defined mathematically to return a real result only on positive arguments. @item ERANGE The argument is zero. The log of zero is not defined. @end table @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double log10 (double @var{x}) This function returns the base-10 logarithm of @var{x}. Except for the different base, it is similar to the @code{log} function. In fact, @code{log10 (@var{x})} equals @code{log (@var{x}) / log (10)}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double pow (double @var{base}, double @var{power}) This is a general exponentiation function, returning @var{base} raised to @var{power}. @need 250 The following @code{errno} error conditions are defined for this function: @table @code @item EDOM The argument @var{base} is negative and @var{power} is not an integral value. Mathematically, the result would be a complex number in this case. @item ERANGE An underflow or overflow condition was detected in the result. @end table @end deftypefun @cindex square root function @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double sqrt (double @var{x}) This function returns the nonnegative square root of @var{x}. The @code{sqrt} function fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{EDOM}, if @var{x} is negative. Mathematically, the square root would be a complex number. @end deftypefun @cindex cube root function @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double cbrt (double @var{x}) This function returns the cube root of @var{x}. This function cannot fail; every representable real value has a representable real cube root. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double hypot (double @var{x}, double @var{y}) The @code{hypot} function returns @code{sqrt (@var{x}*@var{x} + @var{y}*@var{y})}. (This is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides of length @var{x} and @var{y}, or the distance of the point (@var{x}, @var{y}) from the origin.) See also the function @code{cabs} in @ref{Absolute Value}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double expm1 (double @var{x}) This function returns a value equivalent to @code{exp (@var{x}) - 1}. It is computed in a way that is accurate even if the value of @var{x} is near zero---a case where @code{exp (@var{x}) - 1} would be inaccurate due to subtraction of two numbers that are nearly equal. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double log1p (double @var{x}) This function returns a value equivalent to @w{@code{log (1 + @var{x})}}. It is computed in a way that is accurate even if the value of @var{x} is near zero. @end deftypefun @node Hyperbolic Functions @section Hyperbolic Functions @cindex hyperbolic functions The functions in this section are related to the exponential functions; see @ref{Exponents and Logarithms}. @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double sinh (double @var{x}) The @code{sinh} function returns the hyperbolic sine of @var{x}, defined mathematically as @w{@code{exp (@var{x}) - exp (-@var{x}) / 2}}. The function fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{ERANGE}, if the value of @var{x} is too large; that is, if overflow occurs. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double cosh (double @var{x}) The @code{cosh} function returns the hyperbolic cosine of @var{x}, defined mathematically as @w{@code{exp (@var{x}) + exp (-@var{x}) / 2}}. The function fails, and sets @code{errno} to @code{ERANGE}, if the value of @var{x} is too large; that is, if overflow occurs. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun double tanh (double @var{x}) This function returns the hyperbolic tangent of @var{x}, whose mathematical definition is @w{@code{sinh (@var{x}) / cosh (@var{x})}}. @end deftypefun @cindex inverse hyperbolic functions @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double asinh (double @var{x}) This function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of @var{x}---the value whose hyperbolic sine is @var{x}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double acosh (double @var{x}) This function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of @var{x}---the value whose hyperbolic cosine is @var{x}. If @var{x} is less than @code{1}, @code{acosh} returns @code{HUGE_VAL}. @end deftypefun @comment math.h @comment BSD @deftypefun double atanh (double @var{x}) This function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of @var{x}---the value whose hyperbolic tangent is @var{x}. If the absolute value of @var{x} is greater than or equal to @code{1}, @code{atanh} returns @code{HUGE_VAL}. @end deftypefun @node Pseudo-Random Numbers @section Pseudo-Random Numbers @cindex random numbers @cindex pseudo-random numbers @cindex seed (for random numbers) This section describes the GNU facilities for generating a series of pseudo-random numbers. The numbers generated are not truly random; typically, they form a sequence that repeats periodically, with a period so large that you can ignore it for ordinary purposes. The random number generator works by remembering at all times a @dfn{seed} value which it uses to compute the next random number and also to compute a new seed. Although the generated numbers look unpredictable within one run of a program, the sequence of numbers is @emph{exactly the same} from one run to the next. This is because the initial seed is always the same. This is convenient when you are debugging a program, but it is unhelpful if you want the program to behave unpredictably. If you want truly random numbers, not just pseudo-random, specify a seed based on the current time. You can get repeatable sequences of numbers on a particular machine type by specifying the same initial seed value for the random number generator. There is no standard meaning for a particular seed value; the same seed, used in different C libraries or on different CPU types, will give you different random numbers. The GNU library supports the standard ANSI C random number functions plus another set derived from BSD. We recommend you use the standard ones, @code{rand} and @code{srand}. @menu * ANSI Random:: @code{rand} and friends. * BSD Random:: @code{random} and friends. @end menu @node ANSI Random @subsection ANSI C Random Number Functions This section describes the random number functions that are part of the ANSI C standard. To use these facilities, you should include the header file @file{stdlib.h} in your program. @pindex stdlib.h @comment stdlib.h @comment ANSI @deftypevr Macro int RAND_MAX The value of this macro is an integer constant expression that represents the maximum possible value returned by the @code{rand} function. In the GNU library, it is @code{037777777}, which is the largest signed integer representable in 32 bits. In other libraries, it may be as low as @code{32767}. @end deftypevr @comment stdlib.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun int rand () The @code{rand} function returns the next pseudo-random number in the series. The value is in the range from @code{0} to @code{RAND_MAX}. @end deftypefun @comment stdlib.h @comment ANSI @deftypefun void srand (unsigned int @var{seed}) This function establishes @var{seed} as the seed for a new series of pseudo-random numbers. If you call @code{rand} before a seed has been established with @code{srand}, it uses the value @code{1} as a default seed. To produce truly random numbers (not just pseudo-random), do @code{srand (time (0))}. @end deftypefun @node BSD Random @subsection BSD Random Number Functions This section describes a set of random number generation functions that are derived from BSD. There is no advantage to using these functions with the GNU C library; we support them for BSD compatibility only. The prototypes for these functions are in @file{stdlib.h}. @pindex stdlib.h @comment stdlib.h @comment BSD @deftypefun {long int} random () This function returns the next pseudo-random number in the sequence. The range of values returned is from @code{0} to @code{RAND_MAX}. @end deftypefun @comment stdlib.h @comment BSD @deftypefun void srandom (unsigned int @var{seed}) The @code{srandom} function sets the seed for the current random number state based on the integer @var{seed}. If you supply a @var{seed} value of @code{1}, this will cause @code{random} to reproduce the default set of random numbers. To produce truly random numbers (not just pseudo-random), do @code{srandom (time (0))}. @end deftypefun @comment stdlib.h @comment BSD @deftypefun {void *} initstate (unsigned int @var{seed}, void *@var{state}, size_t @var{size}) The @code{initstate} function is used to initialize the random number generator state. The argument @var{state} is an array of @var{size} bytes, used to hold the state information. The size must be at least 8 bytes, and optimal sizes are 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. The bigger the @var{state} array, the better. The return value is the previous value of the state information array. You can use this value later as an argument to @code{setstate} to restore that state. @end deftypefun @comment stdlib.h @comment BSD @deftypefun {void *} setstate (void *@var{state}) The @code{setstate} function restores the random number state information @var{state}. The argument must have been the result of a previous call to @var{initstate} or @var{setstate}. The return value is the previous value of the state information array. You can use thise value later as an argument to @code{setstate} to restore that state. @end deftypefun