#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../locale/hashval.h" #define __LC_LAST 13 #include "../locale/locarchive.h" #include "../crypt/md5.h" const char *alias_file = DATADIR "/locale/locale.alias"; const char *locar_file = PREFIX "/lib/locale/locale-archive"; const char *tmpl_file = PREFIX "/lib/locale/locale-archive.tmpl"; const char *loc_path = PREFIX "/lib/locale/"; int be_quiet = 1; int verbose = 0; int max_locarchive_open_retry = 10; const char *output_prefix; static const char *locnames[] = { #define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \ [category] = category_name, #include "../locale/categories.def" #undef DEFINE_CATEGORY }; static int is_prime (unsigned long candidate) { /* No even number and none less than 10 will be passed here. */ unsigned long int divn = 3; unsigned long int sq = divn * divn; while (sq < candidate && candidate % divn != 0) { ++divn; sq += 4 * divn; ++divn; } return candidate % divn != 0; } unsigned long next_prime (unsigned long seed) { /* Make it definitely odd. */ seed |= 1; while (!is_prime (seed)) seed += 2; return seed; } /* xmalloc is only used by show_archive_content. */ void * xmalloc (size_t size) { (void) size; exit (255); } void error (int status, int errnum, const char *message, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, message); fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", program_invocation_name); vfprintf (stderr, message, args); va_end (args); if (errnum) fprintf (stderr, ": %s", strerror (errnum)); putc ('\n', stderr); fflush (stderr); if (status) exit (errnum == EROFS ? 0 : status); } static void open_tmpl_archive (struct locarhandle *ah) { struct stat64 st; int fd; struct locarhead head; const char *archivefname = tmpl_file; /* Open the archive. We must have exclusive write access. */ fd = open64 (archivefname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "cannot open locale archive template file \"%s\"", archivefname); if (fstat64 (fd, &st) < 0) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "cannot stat locale archive template file \"%s\"", archivefname); /* Read the header. */ if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (read (fd, &head, sizeof (head))) != sizeof (head)) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "cannot read archive header"); ah->fd = fd; ah->len = (head.sumhash_offset + head.sumhash_size * sizeof (struct sumhashent)); if (ah->len > st.st_size) error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "locale archite template file truncated"); ah->len = st.st_size; /* Now we know how large the administrative information part is. Map all of it. */ ah->addr = mmap64 (NULL, ah->len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (ah->addr == MAP_FAILED) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "cannot map archive header"); } /* Open the locale archive. */ extern void open_archive (struct locarhandle *ah, bool readonly); /* Close the locale archive. */ extern void close_archive (struct locarhandle *ah); /* Add given locale data to the archive. */ extern int add_locale_to_archive (struct locarhandle *ah, const char *name, locale_data_t data, bool replace); extern void add_alias (struct locarhandle *ah, const char *alias, bool replace, const char *oldname, uint32_t *locrec_offset_p); extern struct namehashent * insert_name (struct locarhandle *ah, const char *name, size_t name_len, bool replace); struct nameent { char *name; struct locrecent *locrec; }; struct dataent { const unsigned char *sum; uint32_t file_offset; }; static int nameentcmp (const void *a, const void *b) { struct locrecent *la = ((const struct nameent *) a)->locrec; struct locrecent *lb = ((const struct nameent *) b)->locrec; uint32_t start_a = -1, end_a = 0; uint32_t start_b = -1, end_b = 0; int cnt; for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) { if (la->record[cnt].offset < start_a) start_a = la->record[cnt].offset; if (la->record[cnt].offset + la->record[cnt].len > end_a) end_a = la->record[cnt].offset + la->record[cnt].len; } assert (start_a != (uint32_t)-1); assert (end_a != 0); for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) { if (lb->record[cnt].offset < start_b) start_b = lb->record[cnt].offset; if (lb->record[cnt].offset + lb->record[cnt].len > end_b) end_b = lb->record[cnt].offset + lb->record[cnt].len; } assert (start_b != (uint32_t)-1); assert (end_b != 0); if (start_a != start_b) return (int)start_a - (int)start_b; return (int)end_a - (int)end_b; } static int dataentcmp (const void *a, const void *b) { if (((const struct dataent *) a)->file_offset < ((const struct dataent *) b)->file_offset) return -1; if (((const struct dataent *) a)->file_offset > ((const struct dataent *) b)->file_offset) return 1; return 0; } static int sumsearchfn (const void *key, const void *ent) { uint32_t keyn = *(uint32_t *)key; uint32_t entn = ((struct dataent *)ent)->file_offset; if (keyn < entn) return -1; if (keyn > entn) return 1; return 0; } static void compute_data (struct locarhandle *ah, struct nameent *name, size_t sumused, struct dataent *files, locale_data_t data) { int cnt; struct locrecent *locrec = name->locrec; struct dataent *file; data[LC_ALL].addr = ((char *) ah->addr) + locrec->record[LC_ALL].offset; data[LC_ALL].size = locrec->record[LC_ALL].len; for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) { data[cnt].addr = ((char *) ah->addr) + locrec->record[cnt].offset; data[cnt].size = locrec->record[cnt].len; if (data[cnt].addr >= data[LC_ALL].addr && data[cnt].addr + data[cnt].size <= data[LC_ALL].addr + data[LC_ALL].size) __md5_buffer (data[cnt].addr, data[cnt].size, data[cnt].sum); else { file = bsearch (&locrec->record[cnt].offset, files, sumused, sizeof (*files), sumsearchfn); if (file == NULL) error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "inconsistent template file"); memcpy (data[cnt].sum, file->sum, sizeof (data[cnt].sum)); } } } static int fill_archive (struct locarhandle *tmpl_ah, size_t nlist, char *list[], const char *primary) { struct locarhandle ah; struct locarhead *head; int result = 0; struct nameent *names; struct namehashent *namehashtab; size_t cnt, used; struct dataent *files; struct sumhashent *sumhashtab; size_t sumused; struct locrecent *primary_locrec = NULL; struct nameent *primary_nameent = NULL; head = tmpl_ah->addr; names = (struct nameent *) malloc (head->namehash_used * sizeof (struct nameent)); files = (struct dataent *) malloc (head->sumhash_used * sizeof (struct dataent)); if (names == NULL || files == NULL) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "could not allocate tables"); namehashtab = (struct namehashent *) ((char *) tmpl_ah->addr + head->namehash_offset); sumhashtab = (struct sumhashent *) ((char *) tmpl_ah->addr + head->sumhash_offset); for (cnt = used = 0; cnt < head->namehash_size; ++cnt) if (namehashtab[cnt].locrec_offset != 0) { assert (used < head->namehash_used); names[used].name = tmpl_ah->addr + namehashtab[cnt].name_offset; names[used++].locrec = (struct locrecent *) ((char *) tmpl_ah->addr + namehashtab[cnt].locrec_offset); } /* Sort the names. */ qsort (names, used, sizeof (struct nameent), nameentcmp); for (cnt = sumused = 0; cnt < head->sumhash_size; ++cnt) if (sumhashtab[cnt].file_offset != 0) { assert (sumused < head->sumhash_used); files[sumused].sum = (const unsigned char *) sumhashtab[cnt].sum; files[sumused++].file_offset = sumhashtab[cnt].file_offset; } /* Sort by file locations. */ qsort (files, sumused, sizeof (struct dataent), dataentcmp); /* Open the archive. This call never returns if we cannot successfully open the archive. */ open_archive (&ah, false); if (primary != NULL) { for (cnt = 0; cnt < used; ++cnt) if (strcmp (names[cnt].name, primary) == 0) break; if (cnt < used) { locale_data_t data; compute_data (tmpl_ah, &names[cnt], sumused, files, data); result |= add_locale_to_archive (&ah, primary, data, 0); primary_locrec = names[cnt].locrec; primary_nameent = &names[cnt]; } } for (cnt = 0; cnt < used; ++cnt) if (&names[cnt] == primary_nameent) continue; else if ((cnt > 0 && names[cnt - 1].locrec == names[cnt].locrec) || names[cnt].locrec == primary_locrec) { const char *oldname; struct namehashent *namehashent; uint32_t locrec_offset; if (names[cnt].locrec == primary_locrec) oldname = primary; else oldname = names[cnt - 1].name; namehashent = insert_name (&ah, oldname, strlen (oldname), true); assert (namehashent->name_offset != 0); assert (namehashent->locrec_offset != 0); locrec_offset = namehashent->locrec_offset; add_alias (&ah, names[cnt].name, 0, oldname, &locrec_offset); } else { locale_data_t data; compute_data (tmpl_ah, &names[cnt], sumused, files, data); result |= add_locale_to_archive (&ah, names[cnt].name, data, 0); } while (nlist-- > 0) { const char *fname = *list++; size_t fnamelen = strlen (fname); struct stat64 st; DIR *dirp; struct dirent64 *d; int seen; locale_data_t data; int cnt; /* First see whether this really is a directory and whether it contains all the require locale category files. */ if (stat64 (fname, &st) < 0) { error (0, 0, "stat of \"%s\" failed: %s: ignored", fname, strerror (errno)); continue; } if (!S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { error (0, 0, "\"%s\" is no directory; ignored", fname); continue; } dirp = opendir (fname); if (dirp == NULL) { error (0, 0, "cannot open directory \"%s\": %s: ignored", fname, strerror (errno)); continue; } seen = 0; while ((d = readdir64 (dirp)) != NULL) { for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) if (strcmp (d->d_name, locnames[cnt]) == 0) { unsigned char d_type; /* We have an object of the required name. If it's a directory we have to look at a file with the prefix "SYS_". Otherwise we have found what we are looking for. */ #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE d_type = d->d_type; if (d_type != DT_REG) #endif { char fullname[fnamelen + 2 * strlen (d->d_name) + 7]; #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE if (d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) #endif { strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (fullname, fname), "/"), d->d_name); if (stat64 (fullname, &st) == -1) /* We cannot stat the file, ignore it. */ break; d_type = IFTODT (st.st_mode); } if (d_type == DT_DIR) { /* We have to do more tests. The file is a directory and it therefore must contain a regular file with the same name except a "SYS_" prefix. */ char *t = stpcpy (stpcpy (fullname, fname), "/"); strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (t, d->d_name), "/SYS_"), d->d_name); if (stat64 (fullname, &st) == -1) /* There is no SYS_* file or we cannot access it. */ break; d_type = IFTODT (st.st_mode); } } /* If we found a regular file (eventually after following a symlink) we are successful. */ if (d_type == DT_REG) ++seen; break; } } closedir (dirp); if (seen != __LC_LAST - 1) { /* We don't have all locale category files. Ignore the name. */ error (0, 0, "incomplete set of locale files in \"%s\"", fname); continue; } /* Add the files to the archive. To do this we first compute sizes and the MD5 sums of all the files. */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) { char fullname[fnamelen + 2 * strlen (locnames[cnt]) + 7]; int fd; strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (fullname, fname), "/"), locnames[cnt]); fd = open64 (fullname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1 || fstat64 (fd, &st) == -1) { /* Cannot read the file. */ if (fd != -1) close (fd); break; } if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { char *t; close (fd); t = stpcpy (stpcpy (fullname, fname), "/"); strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (t, locnames[cnt]), "/SYS_"), locnames[cnt]); fd = open64 (fullname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1 || fstat64 (fd, &st) == -1 || !S_ISREG (st.st_mode)) { if (fd != -1) close (fd); break; } } /* Map the file. */ data[cnt].addr = mmap64 (NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data[cnt].addr == MAP_FAILED) { /* Cannot map it. */ close (fd); break; } data[cnt].size = st.st_size; __md5_buffer (data[cnt].addr, st.st_size, data[cnt].sum); /* We don't need the file descriptor anymore. */ close (fd); } if (cnt != __LC_LAST) { while (cnt-- > 0) if (cnt != LC_ALL) munmap (data[cnt].addr, data[cnt].size); error (0, 0, "cannot read all files in \"%s\": ignored", fname); continue; } result |= add_locale_to_archive (&ah, basename (fname), data, 0); for (cnt = 0; cnt < __LC_LAST; ++cnt) if (cnt != LC_ALL) munmap (data[cnt].addr, data[cnt].size); } /* We are done. */ close_archive (&ah); return result; } int main () { char path[4096]; DIR *dirp; struct dirent64 *d; struct stat64 st; char *list[16384], *primary; unsigned int cnt = 0; struct locarhandle tmpl_ah; size_t loc_path_len = strlen (loc_path); dirp = opendir (loc_path); if (dirp == NULL) error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "cannot open directory \"%s\"", loc_path); open_tmpl_archive (&tmpl_ah); unlink (locar_file); primary = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (primary == NULL) primary = getenv ("LANG"); if (primary != NULL) { if (strncmp (primary, "ja", 2) != 0 && strncmp (primary, "ko", 2) != 0 && strncmp (primary, "zh", 2) != 0) { char *ptr = malloc (strlen (primary) + strlen (".utf8") + 1), *p, *q; if (ptr) { p = ptr; q = primary; while (*q && *q != '.' && *q != '@') *p++ = *q++; if (*q == '.') while (*q && *q != '@') q++; p = stpcpy (p, ".utf8"); strcpy (p, q); primary = ptr; } else primary = NULL; } } memcpy (path, loc_path, loc_path_len); while ((d = readdir64 (dirp)) != NULL) { if (strcmp (d->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (d->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; size_t d_name_len = strlen (d->d_name); if (loc_path_len + d_name_len + 1 > sizeof (path)) { error (0, 0, "too long filename \"%s\"", d->d_name); continue; } memcpy (path + loc_path_len, d->d_name, d_name_len + 1); if (stat64 (path, &st) < 0) { error (0, errno, "cannot stat \"%s\"", path); continue; } if (! S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) continue; if (cnt == 16384) error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "too many directories in \"%s\"", loc_path); list[cnt] = strdup (path); if (list[cnt] == NULL) { error (0, errno, "cannot add file to list \"%s\"", path); continue; } if (primary != NULL && cnt > 0 && strcmp (primary, d->d_name) == 0) { char *p = list[0]; list[0] = list[cnt]; list[cnt] = p; } cnt++; } closedir (dirp); fill_archive (&tmpl_ah, cnt, list, primary); close_archive (&tmpl_ah); truncate (tmpl_file, 0); char *argv[] = { "/usr/sbin/tzdata-update", NULL }; execve (argv[0], (char *const *)argv, (char *const *)&argv[1]); exit (0); }